Entrance Floor Mats Dubai

Entrance Floor Mats - An Overview

Entrance floor mats are an essential component of any company in Dubai. They are designed to act as a dirt barrier and preserve the cleanliness of the building entrance from natural weather elements and footfall. These mats are available in a wide variety of carpet or rubber finishes, which makes them an ideal choice for different commercial settings.

Composition and Purpose of Entrance Floor Mats

Entrance floor mats are composed of aluminum profiles with carpet brushes or rubber inserts fixed to the floor substrate. The key purpose of these mats is to prevent dirt and debris from entering the building, keeping the floors clean and safe for customers and employees. The mats also help in resolving acoustic issues when entering a building and avoiding problems with heels and wheeled traffic. Maintenance and cleaning of entrance matting are very easy, which makes them a popular choice for commercial establishments.

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